Sometimes I wonder how gossip starts. What is considered gossip? I find church hypocritical. Nothing makes sense. What's said in confidence is never really in "confidence". They justify this so called "gossip" as concern and consider it a good intention. But if what is being said, was never meant to be said to another individual, than that my friend, is considered unnecessary gossip which in all, is where the church system faults. How can we be expected as a group of Christian people, to follow through with everything we have been taught and "share our burdens" when those burdens are just used later as a conversational piece? Now I'm not saying I've never talked to someone before about my concern or just what I thought was "interesting" to someone else. I suppose right there I catch myself and recognize myself as a hypocrite. Then I wonder if what I do carries the same impact as a Leader who places them self in such a position that aspires heavy conversations that require emotions to be shared and feelings to involved greatly. In my opinion the weight of it all changes dramatically when it's coming from a Leader. I do not intend to gossip and most of the time I don't but all and all I know at times that I fall into the habit and I admit that it's something I'm working on.
I don't know why this bugs me so much. It makes me question the system and how it works, and how it works inappropriately. I know the church is made of people and therefore can never be perfect. In that, I wonder why we gather as a church, and what the purpose is of gathering imperfect people together as a whole to create an imperfect body that is sometimes missing vital pieces.

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