We are all but a number.
We are given a number at birth.
When we turn 16 we're given a driver's licence number.
We attend a school that labels us with a student number.
The banks code us to a bank account number.
We get a job, and receive an associate number.
They pay us with direct deposit that sends this,
"hypothetical money"
to that bank account number,
that says we have a certain number inside it.
And that NUMBER is the number of our self worth.
When you stand back, and realize how simplistic our society has become, you realize how low we stooped.
People kill, steal, fight, argue, and live for this silly little number that we've put so much stress on.
Money, in this nation, used to be backed by how much gold we had.
Gold, a precious metal. A rarity.
We replaced gold with paper.
Copyrighted, counterfeited paper.
Nowadays we replaced the lackluster paper with a dollar sign and a bank account.
So this, hypothetical idealistic sense of worth that we've created has consumed a huge portion of my worries. I find myself anxious most days over this stupid materialistic thing, and all for what? This paper? This hypothetical waste of people's thoughts, hopes, fantasies, desires, and entire life's meaning (in many cases).
Pretty dumb huh?
But what would you do for a buck, a bill, a dollar, some dough, or a lil green?

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