I love eyes. Yeah, it's corny, and overplayed, but I still love the way eyes look. Everyone's eye is completely different than another person. This may be through color, shape, or the proportions of the pupil and the iris and all the other parts that are involved. When I think of an eye, I think of how it works. It's like a little machine that works in everyone's head. It takes in what it sees and flips it around so that it's right side up. There's two of them so they work in unison. That's pretty intense. The whole fact that we have two of them gives us the ability to establish proximity and a reference of distance between us and others. If we didn't have that we wouldn't be able to run, drive, or pass a ball with out getting hurt or looking like a complete loser.
I also then wonder what the world must look like in the view of someone else. Anyone else. Sit on the floor for a minute and take in what you see. Take in the height of everything around you and the fact that you have to tilt your head upward in order to see everything. That's the view of a child. Now stand on a step ladder and take in what you see. That's the height of the average person, compared to me : P If you kneel down on your knees that should be around my height ha.
Imagine what the world seems like to the people who have impaired vision or for those who are completely blind. I can't fathom what that would be like. My greatest fear has always been to lose my vision. Every time I go to the eye doctor and my prescription is higher, I ask them if it'll eventually just continue deteriorating. They always say it'll stop disintegrating once I reach a certain age. I hope their right. I know it could be worse, and I'm not saying I'm not grateful for what I have, because I am.

Day 27: A Physical Feature You Love
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Posted by Tiffany K. Allen at 2:50 AM
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